Saturday, September 04, 2004

homeschooling for dummies

Now why hasn't that book come out? Hah! I think I'd be the perfect person to write that.

Anyway, I'm just asking for a little prayer here. On Tuesday I begin homeschooling all three of the Samson offspring. 9th, 5th and 2nd grade. I'm a little apprehensive, and well, here's the confessional part. I'm totally giving up a year for this and I'm a basically selfish person. Here I thought I'd be having a restful sabbatical from writing, and it's filled in with something even more time consuming. Well, God knows what I need better than I do. Pray I find joy in the sacrifice. Oh, and the ability to stick to a schedule.

thanks and grace to you,



Blogger Unknown said...

I understand. We're starting our second full year of homeschooling--that's an accomplishment for me since I bailed out half way through three years ago, and put my two kids (now 6th & 3rd grade) in a private school.

The thoughts that usually keep me going are:
1. This too shall pass. I have less than a decade left of my kid's school days.
2. Homeschool can be hectic, but it's flexible. Hubby's a pastor, so we'd rarely have time at home as a family with traditional school since he's busy nights & weekends.
3. It's only a year?! We only commit to a year at a time--it helps, but I still have to make a daily commitment to keep going :-)
4. Relax... I'm a perfectionist and workaholic -- my kids are doing a great job teaching me to chill a little :-)

It's taken me these three years to finally be at peace where I'm at--but believe me, there are days when I want to flag down the yellow bus that comes by my house ;-)

September 4, 2004 at 11:08 AM  
Blogger lisa said...

Thanks Michele and Sherri for the encouragment. I really appreciate it. I'll definitely keep everyone posted and please, keep it comin'!

September 4, 2004 at 3:23 PM  
Blogger upwords said...


My prayers are with you. :) I think though it will turn out to be fun for you guys, uh, yeah, that's what I think... LOL No, seriously it will be. There will be those other days of course, those is-that-a-school-bus-can't-you-get-on kind, but they pass. I've got 8th, 5th, 2nd and K this year, plus the twins the baby and the dog. This is our sixth year and I'm still hoping I'll turn into some very serious with Birkenstocks, a jumper and a color-coded schedule that we actually follow (we have one, for decoration). Just do you thing, just like you write. Pick flowers, let your hips swing, read books and watch as they blow you away. Your kids are so smart as it is.

Throw some prayer my way if you think of it.

Mary G

September 4, 2004 at 5:58 PM  

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