Monday, April 12, 2004

I was driving to church yesterday morning, me and the fam, getting there early for praise team practice, and I felt such relief that it was Easter. Having been so connected to Good Friday this year, I wanted to almost cry out "Hallelujah, He is risen!" as we drove by the cornfield across the street from our church. I felt such a gloriousness, such happiness melt away the suffering as it hit me that Christ still lives, that He survived the pain and the death. Eyes of fire. Hair as white as wool. That's Him now. Man, I'm so glad! If He'd stayed in that tomb, I would be, "of all men, most miserable."

The choir wasn't as frightening as I thought we'd be. So it just goes to show you that God is in the business of redemption. Even in the small things like our church choir. O me of little faith.

Fun time at my sister Lori's house afterwards. The traditional egg hunt spearheaded by my brother-in-law, pastor, and friend, Tim. Pretty dresses all over. Jake's hair sprouting on top of his head like one of the Bay City Rollers. Gwynnie looking like a little fairie and Tyler, a glistening, sparkly teenage girl that leaves behind a shimmering trail of what? If I could say, maybe I could repeat the process instead of continuing in this sometimes weird, sometimes good, sometimes horrifying process of aging.



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