Sunday, July 25, 2004

on the nightstand

right now:

Humble Pie, by Janet and Ron Benrey.  A cozy mystery set in a fictional town in Maryland.  My guilty reading pleasure?  Cozy mysteries. 

Bring 'Em Back Alive: A Healing Plan for Those Wounded by the Church, Dave Burchett.  He also wrote When Bad Christians Happen to Good People, which I haven't read yet.  So far, so very, very good.  And boy, have I had some zingers thrown at me, too, as someone who can all too easily sit by and let things happen instead of really reaching out to the wounded.  Maybe I'm not wounding many people, but how many people am I actually helping?

and finally:

Our Father Who Art in a Tree, by Judy Bascoe, an Australian novelist.  First line:

It was simple for me, the saints were in heaven and guardian angels had extendable wings like Batman and my dad had died and gone to live in the tree in the backyard.




Blogger Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Though I've never posted a reply to your blog before, I do read it consistently. I share your guilty pleasure, Lisa, and Humble Pie is on my "to be read soon" pile. Other books I'm currently working on: Desiring God by John Piper and Just Think by Nancy Nordenson.

July 25, 2004 at 8:20 PM  

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