Tuesday, July 27, 2004

holy ground

Dave Burchett, in Bring 'Em Back Alive, tells the story of Fred Rogers during his days as a divinity student. 

While Mr. Rogers studied at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, he'd attend different churches each Sunday to hear varying styles of preaching.  One Sunday he listened to, "The most poorly crafted sermon I had ever heard."

When he turned to his friend who accompanied him to say that very thing he saw she was crying.  "It was exactly what I needed to hear." she told him.

Rogers later said, "That's when I realized that the space between someone doing the best he or she can and someone in need is holy ground.  The Holy Spirit had transformed that feeble sermon for her--and, as it turned out, for me, too."

No matter how good we'll get, there will always be room for improvement.  But no matter how much improvement we need, the Holy Spirit will always prove trustworthy, capable of planting a seed from the fruit of our labors into the fertile field of a human heart He's prepared to receive it.  He's amazing that way.  I think of a part of the mass that always thrilled me.

"Lord, accept the sacrifice of our hands, for the praise and glory of Your Name, for our good, and the good of all Your church."  And I might add, "and all those You love."

hope it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood of your creativity! (i know, that was lame!)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

And let's face it -- Compared with so much of what's out there, Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood is probably one of the most cheaply made children's programs out there, yet it's been on PBS for how many years? My kids, ages 5 and 2-1/2, love it.

I'm glad you wrote this today, Lisa, because this is exactly what I alluded to in my response to yesterday's post. God can use what I consider the worst writing to touch someone's life. That's not a call to accept shoddy work; it's just saying that someone's best might be my personal worst, while my best might pale to someone else's best or worst. You're right -- The Holy Spirit can fill in any gap.

Great post, Lisa. I'm so glad you take the time to share your thoughts.


July 27, 2004 at 9:30 AM  
Blogger michael snyder said...


Been out of commission for a while, but wanted to let you know that you're last two posts ROCK! Last year I decided to quit ridiculing other's work.

It's funny, I'm not compelled to bash visual arts because of my ignorance.

I staunchly defend Kenny G and Poison as credible musicians despite the fact that their music makes me want to hurl.

I've had the privelege of meeting some great people amid their writing journey. They all work hard and care a lot. So I try not to wee-wee on their efforts.

I think a good rule of thumb is to comment on other's "art" (hairstyle, occupational choices, skin color, etc.) much the same way one would comment on his/her children's "art" - age-appropriatea and gentle correction.

Great job.


July 27, 2004 at 1:56 PM  

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