Wednesday, August 04, 2004

tres weird

My teenage daughter is sitting in the family room with her cousin and her cousin's boyfriend, laughing and watching a movie.

I'm the 40-year-old mom making the popcorn.

Sometimes these grown-up moments really freak me out.




Blogger Will said...

And the almost-40 year old father was too tired and fell asleep reading. Man, we're all getting old.

August 5, 2004 at 6:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so those feelings just get worse. My daughters are 5 and almost-3, and I already feel that way.

August 5, 2004 at 10:30 PM  
Blogger Paula said...

When I was pregnant with our first child I wrote something in my journal like, "how can I be a mom? I'm not grown up enough to be a mom." In some ways I still don't feel like a grown-up. I mean, how's that supposed to feel? I'm almost 40. Aren't I supposed to feel like a grown-up now?

That first baby is now 13, wearing makeup and getting a twinkle in her eyes when the guys tease her. What am I supposed to with that? Oh--and her brother has these huge shoulders . . .

Once in a while I just go to bed earlier and make my four kids tuck me in for a change. That'll show them!

August 6, 2004 at 12:27 AM  

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